
There are several ways to give to the SLA:

  1. You can make a donation online, using this link: Donation Online
  2. Complete a Make A Pledge form and email it back to the Dean, Ms. Denise Brown at
  3. You can mail or drop off a check. Please make checks payable to the Savannah Legacy Academy and include SLA Fund in the memo line. Checks can be mailed to the Savannah Legacy Academy, 1010 E. 36th Street, Savannah, GA 31401.

Savannah Legacy appreciates your gift to the SLA Fund any time during the school year, until the end of our fiscal year on June 30. October is a great time to give as many employers, such as Microsoft, offer added matching funds that can double—or even triple—the impact of your gift.

Every gift makes a difference. Collectively all gifts add up to make a significant impact. Gifts range in size from $25 to $25,000.

Yes! Donations to the SLA Fund are 100% tax-deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code whereas tuition is not. Please consult your tax professional regarding your individual tax circumstances.

Many businesses match employee contributions to the Forest Ridge School. Matching gifts can double or even triple the impact of your gift! You will receive donor recognition for your own gift plus the value of the matching gift.

Match recognition is given in the fiscal year the match is received. Matching funds are usually applied to the same fund as the original gift. Tuition is not eligible for matching gifts.

A gift/donation is your immediate donation to the school. A pledge is your formal promise to pay a chosen amount at a later date during our fiscal year.

Pledges can be paid at any time during our current fiscal year July 1 through June 30. A pledge can be paid in a single payment or a customized installment schedule spreading the pledge amount over several months. Pledge reminders are sent to your mailing address and payments may be made via cash, check, online or credit card.

Periodic appeals are made for specific needs, such as a capital campaign to fund future facility improvements or increases to our school endowment. A capital or endowment gift will go towards Savannah Legacy’s future, whereas the SLA Fund goes towards the immediate operations budget and is generally unrestricted for use wherever the school has the greatest need.

Instead of asking students to become “salespersons” in their neighborhoods, Savannah Legacy seeks voluntary gifts to our SLA Fund. Families support Savannah Legacy because they believe in our mission as a diverse, Christ-centered, college preparatory school. The amount contributed through our SLA Fund is far greater than a school would ever raise selling products.

Based on enrollment and budget, the “gap” determines our SLA Fund goal after taking into account all of our sources of revenue. Enrollment and tuition revenue goals determine the potential operating costs for the new school year. Once school begins, actual enrollment and tuition revenue plus an estimate of other income establishes the expected revenues. This budget process sets our goal for the SLA Fund to bridge the gap between expected revenues and budgeted operating costs.

No. The program provides a dollar-for-dollar tax credit to people or corporations who donate to scholarship funds earmarked for use by a specific private school. The Georgia Private School Tax Credit Program restricts the use of these funds. Savannah Legacy must use the money to offer tuition aid to a public school student seeking enrollment. SLA Fund gifts, by definition, are unrestricted. Click here for more information about the Georgia Goal Scholarship Program.

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